‘Success is no accident, it is hard work, perseverance, learning, unlearning, relearning, sacrifice and the passion for what you do’. This is the guiding mantra of the management, staff and young leaders of LGHS. Shri L.G Haria School is a ‘World in Miniature’ where one receives training for life in a fun and joyful way. Students are trained to take on challenges and to become independent and responsible citizens.

Aiming at the Holistic Development of the Child, the School gives equal importance to co-curricular activities so that the students innate potentials can be boosted. The School has innovative approaches to teaching and learning and we mainly focus on Experiential Learning so that the learner will understand conceptually. A School is driven by its quality of facilitators. We  provide various teacher development programmes and trainings for the faculty so that they can harness the potential of their students to the fullest.

We at LGHS believe that “Education far transcends academic excellence. It is not about running a race with your classmates and topping the list. It is about running a race with yourself and to emerge as a winner in your own eyes”.

LGHS is not only an “Educational Institution” but it is a family that resides under one umbrella with strong bonding, sharing values and culture. Our prime objective is to nurture every child entrusted to our care. At LGHS every child is “SPECIAL” and we strive to enhance this positive climate for learning.

Dear children, Life is full of challenges and challenges are full of opportunities to learn. Never get Scared from challenges and always welcome the chances to learn new things in life in order to grow and prosper. Let us make this beginning more beautiful by bowing your heads to thank God for a lovely last year and seek blessings for another great year at School.


I wish you all the luck is get your goals and be a winner …… like always.



Mrs. Biny Paul
